
Solutions for fraud prevention, mass digital onboarding, due diligence and continuous monitoring.

Fraud Detection Solutions 

Our solutions centralize, organize and deliver everything you need to prevent fraud

Accuracy and agility to validate identity documents, cross-check information, manage anti-fraud processes and monitor customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.


Mass digital onboarding  

Validate identity documents (RG, CNH, etc.) using technologies such as facial recognition or optical and digital documentscopy to avoid fraudulent actions.


Antifraud scores 

Use anti-fraud scores to validate emails, phone numbers, and social security numbers. Find the most likely address among other information relevant to risk analysis.


Information collection 

Find internal and external data from different sites and sources in one place. Combine criteria for discarding homonyms.


Analysis in detail 

Identify corporate connections, links with national and international restricted lists, as well as tangible and intangible assets. Search the web for terms related to reputational analysis.


Continuous monitoring

Receive automatic alerts on atypical behaviors from third parties and prevent fraud and reputational risks.


History archiving 

Store evidence that proves prior checks and adhere to regulatory deadlines. Control and track file creation and editing histories.


Neoway Check

Confirm identity document information in an automated and fast way to make the Know Your Customer, Onboarding Digital, and other validation processes efficient.

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Neoway Compliance

Access data from different sources and websites about all companies and people in Brazil. Do thorough due diligence, avoid risks, and make decisions quickly.

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Neoway Watcher

Automatically monitor various public data about companies and partners. Identify and act quickly to avoid legal and reputational risks.

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Neoway Lawsuits

Create more complete due diligence and risk management reports from the largest lawsuit database in Brazil.

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Customer Success

Count on the help of a specialist in strategic analysis throughout the project.

Solution Delivery

Count on our specialists for BI, Web, BOTs, APIs, and integrations with third-party systems.


Contact our support to configure the acquired solutions and answer questions about the Neoway Platform.

Business Analyst

Receive guidance from a professional to combine your business objectives and goals with Neoway technologies.

Data Science & Analytics

Get customized variables that will contribute to your business decision making.

Business Intelligence

Access dashboards with customized data and views according to your company's needs.

Neoway Academy

Complete training about our solutions and market themes on an online teaching platform. Always have the materials at your disposal.