Together, Neoway and B3 will build the largest data hub in Brazil. In the case of the capital markets, our data intelligence solutions will help companies make even better decisions regarding their financial products and carry out much more efficient internal monitoring.
Count on consolidated market data in one place to carry out analyses and make strategic decisions more quickly and efficiently.
Ensure compliance with internal policies related to investments by related parties and own-issued assets. Protect your company from irregular practices such as insider trading and front running! Remove legal, regulatory, or reputational risks from your business.
Have a segmented view of your portfolio and generate valuable insights regarding investment potential, product profile, and trading frequency among others.
Get the latest news and know what’s coming before everyone else!
Tome decisões mais inteligentes baseadas em dados confiáveis e atualizados.
Fale com um especialistaPor meio desta ferramenta você poderá exercer seus direitos legalmente conferidos pela Lei Geral da Proteção de Dados. Exercite Seus Direitos