What we do
We transform data into knowledge to help our customers earn more and lose less
Neoway develops Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence solutions that generate precision for decision making and productivity in the areas of marketing, compliance, fraud prevention, legal analysis, and credit management among others.
How Movida saved R $ 6 million by reducing fraud.
Identity verification: Why is it important to be accurate in the initial assessment?
Understand how to improve the customer onboarding process
Big Data and AI: how to make less mistakes, deliver value and get the business strategy right
How Nestlé used data to guide its sales teams
Closing sales: tips to improve conversion
Complete sales guide: from strategic planning to upsell
Legal Intelligence: How technology can solve three major challenges in the field
More efficient and scalable digital onboarding
Who we are
Neoway is the largest company in Latin America for Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for business
Since 2002 we have been working to offer smart solutions to about 20 business sectors such as finance, automotive, consumer goods, collection and recovery, civil construction, oil and gas, health, and technology
Tome decisões mais inteligentes baseadas em dados confiáveis e atualizados.
Fale com um especialistaPor meio desta ferramenta você poderá exercer seus direitos legalmente conferidos pela Lei Geral da Proteção de Dados. Exercite Seus Direitos